Many meanings of farmers uprising

Keeping distance from the Gandhians and other middlemen civil society in Delhi

Another important lesson that the farmers’ movement has given is about the scale of involvement of Delhi based civil society and left groups, the ones who always act as middlemen between the masses and rulers, you can take their help, keep them on their toes for solidarity, but never place them in the leadership position. They also avoided the seasoned ‘fast unto death’ type Gandhians. Gandhians with their obsession with fasts have alienated the masses in social movements while increasing the moral stature and arrogance of leadership. In other words, to keep people together for long you do not starve yourself and others, rather use Langar or food as a medium to tie the strings of solidarity. Hunger can bring people together, but it cannot keep people together for long.

Intergenerational handover of the baton

The aged farmers have given ਗੁੜ੍ਹਤੀ گڑھتی to youngsters about the ways to bring social change through their perseverance, solidarity and unity and they passed on the baton to youth. The protest and movement at large were led by older farmers with younger ones doing groundwork, and it looked like they were having an intergenerational exchange of learning which paved the way for leadership shift within the process.

No one will stay the same

The farmers’ movement inspired a lot of us, even those who were staying far away were personally touched. No one will stay the same with this uprising and its victory.

Yogendra Yadav looking for a new job in social change

After the announcement of the repeal of laws by the Supreme Leader, Yogendra Yadav updates his LinkedIn profile:’Looking for a new assignment in the social change sector. A vast experience in appropriating social movements.’ One wonders what will happen to Tikait Bros. Will they go back to the friends of their father or help the Sanghis in western Chuttar Pradesh by engaging in communal riots.

Leaders like Captain Amrinder Singh need to be dethroned so that they can bring change

The most important lesson of the day, we should organise coups against leaders like Captain Amrinder Singh so that they can perform and do something important without power. Some people can not take the stress of power, this is why they fail to perform when in power.

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